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Our services are immaculate and we cater to our clientele. At Ceylon Linux you will be exposed to a wide range of services namely, network and IT infrastructure, IT and security backup as well as IoT and AI services with a support system that spans 24/7 and 365 days coupled with an excellent customer service.

Network & IT Infrastructure

Enhance your business’s network operations with us. We offer IP BPX, firewall solutions, call center solutions and many more services to choose from. These all come together with the ultimate goal of creating connectivity and communication of your entire network.

IT Security & Backup

With our Backup services you need not ever be afraid of losing data again! We offer disaster recovery services, IT security enhancement services and many more that you can choose from to keep your data secure and backed up even when disaster strikes.

IoT & AI

We develop secure, robust and future-ready IoT solutions to leverage the full potential by connecting devices with humans through the Internet. Develop secure, robust and future-ready IoT solutions to leverage the full potential by connecting devices with humans through the Internet.